Booth seca

Medica, Düsseldorf | 137 m²
seca at the Medica in Düsseldorf

Form and content balance each other out on the fair stand of the manufacturer of medical measuring systems and scales.
Do you consult your doctor or pharmacist? Why not consult the experts at PREUSS MESSE? They dose their ingredients so finely that eye-catchers can be sold over the counter without a prescription. This is how the project team administers particularly effective ingredients: sophisticated lighting including recessed flooring, the clinical color white combined with the company color red and a clear division of functional areas. This includes plenty of space for expert discussions about what has just been seen, as catering for the specialist audience takes place in the common area next door. 'Everything in balance' and a recipe for success that seca will be able to honor at trade fairs for the next two years.
Medica, Düsseldorf

The MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf is the world forum for medicine with an international trade fair and congress. A large number of national and international exhibitors present their latest devices, products and systems for outpatient and inpatient care at the MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf. The trade fair focuses on electromedicine, medical and laboratory technology, diagnostics, physiotherapy, orthopaedic technology, consumables and supplies, information and communication technology, medical furniture and special room furnishings for clinics and surgeries.(Source:
Booth impressions

Any questions concerning this project?
Don’t hesitate to contact me!
Jana Zurheiden,
Project Manager
Phone: +49 4103 93 33 – 22
PREUSS MESSE Baugesellschaft mbH
Am Kamp 1
25488 Holm – Germany
Phone: + 49 (0) 4103/93 33-22
Fax: + 49 (0) 4103/93 33-34